
Saturday, December 24, 2011

I will be out of the office for the next week enjoying the holidays with my family. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years! I will be back again on Monday, January 2nd.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Is Santa Real?

Guest Writer: Amy Hamblin

I have a nine year old daughter.  I also have a husband who wants her to be little forever and if he had it his way would never find out the “truth” about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Leprechauns or even Mickey Mouse.  We have been thinking about how this is all going to play out for us here at our house.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Man Cave: My Top 10 Christmas Traditions

Everyone has their own set of Christmas activities without which it just wouldn't seem like Christmas.

Here are a few of mine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Know It's Time To Take The Tree Down When

I am running on fumes this morning, having gotten too few hours of sleep last night. I am feeling more zombie than human and my eyes are stinging just looking at this computer monitor. I do not have the brain power to be serious about anything, and even if I did, serious isn't really in my vocabulary very often. When I am really tired I tend to get really dorky - so I am going to allow my dorkiness to shine through. For your enjoyment on this amazingly dark and cold morning:


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snowman Pencils

I have to admit, I am having a very busy day today, and when I am not running around or working I am vegging in front of this computer. That is what I am currently doing - taking a moment to do nothing, with my feet up, sipping a green tea and just web surfing: ya know, just the brainless activity of a much deserved lunch break. I found these adorable snowman pencils and decided to share them for my post today. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Christmas Lights Walk

Every neighborhood has one: the one house that tries to match Clark Griswald's 25,000 Italian imported twinkle lights. I have never been one to put lights out on my house.... the fear of falling off a high ladder and having no outdoor outlets on my house are kind of deterring to me.... but I love to drive/walk around looking at other peoples outdoor creations. It's one of my favorite evening Christmas activities.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sharing Our Tradition

Guest Writer: Amy Hamblin

You all read my entry on traditions, right?  Well then you all know that I think that they are an important part of the holidays and of leaving a family legacy.  If you don’t have any traditions of your own a good way to start  making them is to borrow some from others and try them out and see how they fit your family.  Today I will lend you one of ours, making Christmas Bon Bons.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Man Cave: Letting Go as a Parent

I'm not going to lie: I don't really have a strong topic today. Just some random thoughts and feelings ( feelings belong in the Man Cave?) about when and how to start letting your kids find their own way through life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Contentment

I was sitting here this morning thinking about what I should write about. The house is quiet (Aaron is off to work and the kids are still in bed), I am surrounded by all of my Christmas decorations and I'm listening to Laurence Juber's "Winter Guitar" (ten points to Griffindor if you even know who Laurence Juber is.... Aaron, you don't count ;o) I am feeling very peaceful and content at the moment.
Peace and contentment. I like that. I feel good. That is what I am going to write about - what brings me peace, contentment and the holiday spirit. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sugar Cookies

In my house Christmas just wouldn't be the same without sugar cookies: they are my favorite cookie ever. When I was a little girl I would go to grandmas house for Christmas and we would be in the kitchen with frosting and sprinkles decorating our little hearts out. She would always prepare a coffee can full of our hard work and give it to me to eat on the journey home. Those are very fond memories for me.

I have tried many sugar cookie recipes over the years and always come back to this one. It is the best - and that's saying something coming from a sugar cookie expert ;o)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Show and Tell

I am a fan of The Ellen DeGeneres Show on FB. That woman cracks me up!! She is posting funny Christmas pictures this month, and last week she had a pic of a kid freaking out on Santa's lap. I laughed and then thought.... "Hmm. I have a picture just like that of me!". So, for your enjoyment this holiday season, here it is, me as a shy little two year old totally freakin on Santa's lap.

This also got me thinking, let's all share!! This could be a fun thing to do if everyone want's to participate. Here is what I'm gonna do.

Friday, December 9, 2011

3 FREE Fun Gift Tags

Here are some silly ideas I did a few years ago as part of my "12 Days of Christmas" for my kids. They loved them, and it's so simple and inexpensive you can give them to all of your impish friends. I am providing the idea, along with free gift tags to put along with them.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Man Cave: My Most Memorable Christmas

It is ironic that the calm, settled phases of life are the ones that we enjoy the most, but the difficult times are the most memorable. I had many childhood Christmases filled with fun presents and happy times, but the one that remains most vivid in my memory was turbulent and meager. My kids are tired of hearing the story, so now I'm going to tell it to you.

Have a seat.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Favorite Christmas Movies

Nothing puts me in the mood for Christmas faster than listening to Christmas music and watching my favorite Christmas movies. I have a small collection of my favorite movies that I watch every year - without fail. I've already started to watch my stack, but am waiting for Jess to get home to watch most of them..... yea, she comes home today!!

Here are my favorite Christmas movies: it wouldn't really be Christmas for me without them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sock Snowman

Guest Writer: Amy Hamblin

Finding gifts to give everyone in the family can sometimes be quite the chore.  You want the gifts to be nice and thoughtful but you don’t want to spend a zillion dollars on them.  Having little kids is a great excuse to make a cheap homemade gift.  People love it and think it is so cute even though it is made out of your husbands old socks.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Bizarres!

My mom and I have a Christmas tradition at the beginning of every December to go to "The Victorian Christmas", which a large local Christmas Bizarre. This is one of the things on my list of festivities that really puts me in the Christmas mood. Surrounding myself with Christmas music, decorations and activities fits the bill perfectly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

December Holidays

As we are full swing into the holidays, here are a few more to keep you busy and having fun all month long.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Man Cave: The Best Man I Ever Knew

Every young man needs a role model...a person they can emulate as they find their way to manhood. I was lucky enough to have been blessed with a role model who was perfect example to me of every manly virtue.

I miss him.