
Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Holidays

Things have bee a little quite for me in the blogging world: I don't have much time to sit down to my computer these days, but I haven't forgotten. I am in the midst of starting up a new business, reorganizing my house, and - oh ya - my son's wedding this month! Holy  Crap!!! My son is getting married in two weeks! It is very surreal for sure. We are busy planning our big party - here are your reasons to have one of your own.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Apple-Blueberry Coffee Cake

Most of us are super busy these days and don't have time to sit down to eat a healthy breakfast. Lucky Charms and power bars seem to be the main stream for most, if breakfast is even eaten at all. However, with a little preparation the night before, you can wake up to an amazing breakfast all ready to go, and, depending on how big your family is, it can keep you going for several mornings.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Red, White and Blue Cookies

It doesn't take a lot of time and thought to make a fun holiday treat. These patriotic cookies were a snap to make and a huge hit at our party! The only extra time involved was sitting and picking out all of the blue and red M&M's, but it really only took about 5 minutes and was worth it.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Patriotic Pancakes

It's always the little things that can make the big differences and make an ordinary breakfast fun and festive. All we did was add vanilla yogurt, blueberries and strawberries to our morning pancakes and walla! - instant American Pride. These lovely pancakes put us all in the mood for the days festivities ahead.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Holidays

Here are your reasons to party in July. Make each ordinary day an extraordinary one by celebrating the little things in life - and have fun!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pepperoni Pizza Pull Aparts

Jess is home and getting ready to graduate next weekend. We decided to have her graduation party this last weekend, since we will have to make the 2 hour drive to her campus for the ceremony, we thought it would be too much for one day to try and do both. Pizza has been a staple in our house for years, so I wanted to make some, but wanted something a little different.  Here's what I came up with.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Holidays

It's June! We are starting to get a few more sun breaks than before and the temperature is slowly getting to a more bearable level. Soon we will start moving outside for more of our activities and soaking in the much  needed Vitamin D. Here are Junes excuses to throw a party: if you need more than the sunshine as an excuse.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Making Your Cookies Last

You have a hankering for a cookie, go in to make a batch and end up with 3-4 dozen. One of two things happens: you either waste some because you have too many, or more often than not eat WAY too many because they are there to tempt you at every turn. I started doing this with my cookie dough a few years back and thought, why the heck didn't I think of this 20 years ago!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This Is NOT Easy!

I love being a mom. I have loved every stage of my mothering adventure. Each stage has been a blessing and a joy. Cuddling with a sleeping baby, the excitement of the first steps, craft time with the grade schooler - I actually even loved the teen years and really connected with my kids on a deeper level during that time. One of the things I loved the most as my children grew up was watching them interact with each other, and seeing the amazing bond that they had: my kids have always been incredibly close. But, this adult thing has been a huge challenge fore me!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Men Are Dirt Blind

I'm not sure what is wrong with the male eye, but it doesn't work as well as the female eye. The problem is either in the eye, or in the connective/computing tissue between the eye and the brain. It's a strange phenomenon, but men don't see dirt. It can be right there in front of them, staring them straight in the face, and they either don't see it or just cannot compute that it's there.

Here is an example to back up my theory.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Holidays

Wow - two for the price of one today: Aren't you just the lucky duck. I did realize, however, that it is May 1st, and I just have to get up this months WACKY HOLIDAYS. Any excuse I have to party and I am all over that! So, why not turn a boring, ordinary day into a fun and exciting one by celebrating something unusual? Here are your fun excuses to party for May.

Sesame Street Picnic Platters

Well, dog-gonnit, if there aren't the most creative people online! Once again I was doing my morning surf of facebook and saw this idea. It is the most simple, adorable, creative thing I have seen in a long time!!! And, it's healthy to boot so it has my vote right away. Can't wait for my next BBQ potluck ;o).

Friday, April 26, 2013

Cupboard Door Art Desk

I saw this idea on Facebook the other day and LOVED it! I wanted to share right away, if for no other reason than I want to make this for my grand kids.... some day, when I have them. I think I may do taller legs however, so that they can pull up little chairs and draw away. You can get so creative with this project!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Birthday Ice Cream!

Today was Aaron's birthday, so of course we had a party - any excuse to have a party and I am all over that! No birthday party would be complete without cake and ice cream, so I made up a batch of our favorite: Homemade Cake Batter Ice Cream..... so good.

Give it a try, I promise you will love it!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Man Cave: My Marriage Answer

Today I was asked if I believe in marriage. My knee-jerk response was "of course", but the questioner wanted a better defense of my position. I told him I would have to give it some thought.

I thought.

Here is my answer:

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Butterfly Cupcakes

I have a sad little story to tell about these adorable little cupcakes, which pretty much sums up my life these days. I fell in love with them the minute I saw them on Pinteret the other day and just had to make them. As I have stated before, I am really into cupcakes lately: You can be super creative with these single portion morsels of cake, and there is just something about exploring different cake recipes that I enjoy. Unfortunately, this little adventure didn't end in the amazing Easter creation that I had hoped.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Cupcakes

I have been super into cupcakes lately. Not necessarily eating them, I just love to make cake and enjoy decorating. It is a very rusty skill that I am honing back into a little. I have a friend with a birthday this weekend, so what better treat than green cupcakes!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shamrock Mint Bark

There are only two ways that I like to eat chocolate: with Peanut Butter or with Mint. I am not usually a candy fan, but this is so easy to make, and with the addition of peanuts and pretzels, it's kind of a fun little treat: and with the addition of mint, I couldn't go wrong.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


It has been far too long since I have done any kind of blogging, and I have been missing it terribly. Things just got so crazy there for a while, I had to step back and let it go. I am very excited to say, though my life is still crazy, I think I am getting used to the madness now and can function a little better with it. I will not be posting daily like I was previously, but I will try to be here at least once or twice a week. Here is the scoop in me since I have been gone the last 9 months.