
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Strawberry Picking

There's something magical about a fresh picked strawberry: the sun on your back, the sound of bumble bees buzzing around your head and the occasional berry that "falls" into your mouth is a great way to spend the afternoon. Head off and go pick some strawberries, then come home and make some yummy jam. Just make sure the kids have old clothes on, because they are sure to come home with plenty of berry stains. Here's a great freezer jam to try with all those red delights you will be bringing home.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Progressive Dinner Party

I'm all for a good dinner party. There are several ways you can approach having dinner with your friends: 1. Cook the entire thing yourself, which would involve a lot of work, and sometimes a lot of money, but can be extremely rewarding 2. The good ol' pot luck, and have everyone bring a dish to share 3. A progressive dinner. 

Progressive dinners are a super fun, and different way to share a meal with several other families.

Friday, July 25, 2014

10 Car Camping Tips

When the kids were growing up we did a lot of camping. It was cheap, fun and got their energy out. We kept it simple, but always had a great time. When my father died in a car accident, the weekend after the funeral we were up in the mountains camping. It gave our family some time to ourselves, to be together, to reflect and be away from the distractions of the rest of the world. I think that's the thing I love the most about camping and hiking - the peace. Here are 10 tips to help make your next camping trip a success.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Banana Pops

I love ice cream. It’s one of my favorite foods, and if I could eat it every day without my backside spreading to create its own solar system I would. Unfortunately ice cream is reserved for those treat days that we set aside for ourselves every couple of weeks. BUT, I do make a treat in the summer time that is the next best thing to a big bowl of creamy deliciousness. It’s frozen, yummy, and feels like you are cheating by eating an ice cream bar. The best part? It’s good for you.