
Friday, December 18, 2015

It's Tradition

I know my girl is a grown, married adult now but some traditions are just too hard to break. As long as this lady is still living in the same town as me we will continue to get our yearly picture with the Jolly ol' St. Nick! This year we missed our traditional Black Friday photo shoot (don't worry, we were still out on Black Friday, we just missed Santa this year), but Santa didn't let us down. He showed up at the Victorian Christmas Holiday Bizarre we were shopping at, so we cornered him there and got our annual picture. Thanks Santa!! Love the picture.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Garland Chandelier

Christmas decorations bring me great joy and comfort. I think it's mostly because, during a time of year when I don't get to be outside as much as I like, I have the opportunity to bring the outside into my home. I put green wherever I can, and each year I try to come up with a few new ideas. This year the green extended to the dining room chandelier.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Gift Bag Art

I have a place on one of my walls that I really wanted a Christmas/winter picture on. I was looking around the store today and just couldn't find anything I liked... and, all the pictures were $20 or more: not worth the cost to me. Then I saw this awesome gift bag and had a brilliant idea. I came home, cut out the picture on the bag and put it in a picture frame I already had. It looks perfect in the space I wanted it and the total cost was only $2.00!