
Monday, May 30, 2016

Differences in Patriotic Holiday's

We have several patriotic holidays throughout the year that help up remember and honor those who have served (and are serving) to keep our country safe and defend our rights. While these holidays are great for enjoying a day with good food, friends and family, and a day off from work it's important to remember why we have these holidays in the first place. Here's a list of all of our patriotic holidays, when they are, and WHY we have a day set aside to celebrate each one. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Cliche Selfie Date

This last weekend we spent three days in Las Vegas with some friends of ours. On our last day we had a few hours to kill before our flight and wanted something fun to do without spending any more money - Vegas will bleed you dry and we were tapped out! We decided we were going to walk around for an hour and take every single cliche selfie we could think of in that amount of time. We actually had a blast doing this, it cost us zero dollars, and we had a good laugh at ourselves looking at the pictures in the airport. This idea could really be taken to any city you visit, or even your own home town if you need a free date. Grab the camera, get out there and get silly. Here are our favorite pictures from that little jaunt. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Parenting Sure Has Changed

There are always memes going around on the Internet about what life used to be like "when we were kids" and how coddled today's children are. I have to say that I agree with most of them. While I do believe that seat belts and bike helmets are a step in the right direction, there are a lot of other changes that I think are not only unnecessary but downright ridiculous.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Watch Ya' Mouth

It's not very often that I see a video on Facebook that makes me laugh. Usually I sit there wondering what the heck everyone else is seeing in it. However, this morning I saw a video that had me laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my face! With just this little piece of plastic, and a couple of siblings, hilarity ensues. I will definitely be playing this game with my family and/or friends very soon!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Run a Race!

I had a great Mother's Day yesterday! One of the things on the agenda for the day was The Color Run with the girl. I would highly recommend this activity for all ages and activity levels, especially if you do something like the Color Run, that is designed specifically for fun. It's only three miles, most people are waking, and it's not even times so it doesn't even matter how long it takes you!