
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Blog Launch

Why am I starting this blog? I have spent over 20 years of my life being a wife and mother. I have learned many things in this role, most of which that I am not perfect. I launched my baby boy, only 6 months old, off of a water bed by plopping my butt on the opposite side. I left my daughter at Fred Meyer when she was 10 years old and didn't realize it for about 45 minutes after getting home. I was even quietly asked to leave a public library once because I couldn't keep control of my kids and they were disturbing everyone around me. Not my most shining moments. More importantly, however, I have learned that you can have a very close knit, happy family, even if you are not perfect and make mistakes. No one is perfect, hate to break the news to you, but you can learn from your mistakes and do better the next time. Even if it means writing a note on your shopping list that your daughter is in the toy section so don't leave the store without her.

I will say up front that having a happy and healthily functioning family takes work. It is not something that comes naturally. Just as you cannot have amazing legs by ignoring the treadmill, you cannot have an amazing family by ignoring your kids and spouse. It takes work, but it is work that has immeasurable pay offs!

I have gathered a wealth of experience, information and ideas over the years that I have been wanting to share. My kids will be raising their own families soon and I have siblings and friends still in the throng of raising families. So, this blog has begun. A resource for my kids, for my siblings, for my friends and for anyone else who would like to glean from all of my experiments, mistakes, successes and research over the years.

I will fill this blog with ideas, activities, thoughts and small little gestures that I feel has made my family what it is today. I also am a firm believer in relying on other people for support and information. If at any time anyone has some great ideas that would be appropriate for this blog, I am all for sharing!! Send me ideas, I love them.

What comes around goes around. You get out of life what you put into it, so put everything you have into it and you will get everything back.


  1. I like this idea. I can always use new ideas from other people, so I am excited to see what you have to share!

  2. Well, I hope I do a good job! I am kind of excited for this too and would love to share ideas too.

    I know that you sometimes get frustrated with being a mom, and I have had MANY moments like that. I think it will be great for us to all know that we are not alone, and that we ALL go through frustrating times. It could be kind of like a support group :o).

    Keep me posted on what you think
