
Friday, January 21, 2011

Reinvent The Warm Fuzzy

The warm fuzzy. Remember those from your childhood? A little token with an upbeat saying designed to make the receiver feel all warm and fuzzy. You can do this simply by leaving little "I Love You" notes for your family to find. 

We have left, and found, these everywhere at unexpected times. On a napkin in a lunchbox, on a bed pillow, written on the bathroom mirror - anywhere you know it will eventually be seen. It's amazing how it makes you feel to find one.... well, warm and fuzzy!

One time, when I went down on an early Saturday morning to work, I started finding little pieces of torn paper hidden in nooks all over the Salon saying "I Love You". Under a shampoo bottle, behind a water bottle, tucked into my hairbrush container. I think I must have found 10 of them that morning. My client was even getting into it looking around to see if she could see any. Aaron brightened both of our mornings that day.

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