
Monday, February 14, 2011

Random Acts Of Kindness Challenge

It doesn't take a lot to please me. Aaron bringing me home a bouquet of flowers and telling me  that he had been thinking about me all day. Jeff doing a load of dishes for me when I am having a really busy day. Jessi leaving a note on my bed to find telling me how much she appreciates all I do for her. All of these things have been done for me, and all of them have made me feel equally great. It really is the little things that make the biggest differences.

Everyone likes to feel loved and appreciated. It is one of human natures basic needs - Love. It gives us purpose and makes everything we do worth while. This week is "Random Acts Of Kindness Week". I challenge each one of you to do something every day this week for someone else. Do this as a family and it will enrich you even more.

"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of the little things, in which smiles and kindness and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort" - Sir Humphrey Davy
I have come up with 10 great ideas to get you thinking, but I will be super interested in what you come up with to do. At the end of the week I would love to share some of the things we did for each other. Next Sunday I will post a report on what our family did. I would love comments on what your families did and the experiences that you had while doing them. This would be a great family night activity tonight, to sit down and discuss ideas and start to put them into action. It should be a fun week!

10 Ideas To Get The Juices Flowing

1. Make your kids' bed for them

2. Take a Valentine's goody bag to your friends/neighbors/family members

3. Sit down together and write letters of appreciation to someone. This could be a teacher, a co-worker, friends or neighbors. Whoever has done something for you or inspired you.

4. Put up a "Have A Nice Day" sign at your door so that every time someone leaves the house they see it.

5. Have your kids'/Husbands favorite cookie, hot and out of the oven, when they get home. (Unless you like sugar cookies like me, then have them cooled and frosted ;o)

6. Clean up litter in your neighborhood while going on a family walk

7. Write a note to each of your family members telling them why you love them.

8. Take a meal to a family in need

9. Take a bouquet of flowers to the hospital/nursing home and have them deliver it unanimously to someone who doesn't get any visitors.

10. Leave silly Valentine's around the house where family members will find them throughout the day.

Have a great week, and thanks for reading and your support ;o)

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