
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Aaron

Today is Aaron's birthday! He is 43 years young today and better than ever. I will not bore you with 43 things that make this man wonderful, but I will give you my ten thing that Aaron does to make our marriage and family so great. After all, that is what this blog is all about - right?

1. Aaron worships the ground I walk on and treats me like a Queen. He will do anything for me at any time and is always striving to make me happy.

2. He tells everyone in this family, daily (multiple times daily) that he loves us.

3. As you can probably tell from his writings, he is incredibly funny! They say that laughter is the best medicine, so we are thoroughly medicated in this  house.

5. Aaron does an amazing job in providing for us and always has. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 22 years and he has made that possible. I work now, from home, but until 10 years ago I did not. We don't make a lot of money, but we make it work.

6. He is a great father and always has good advice for our kids. It may not always be what they want to hear, because he is brutally honest with them, but in the end they know he is right and usually follow what he says.

7. Aaron is a great compromisor. I think that is one thing that has really helped us through the years, we are both willing to meet in the middle. There is no "My way or the highway" around here.

8. When I've had a really long day, on my feet working, that man will sit there for a half an hour and rub my feet.... who could ask for more?!
9. After over 22 years of marriage we can both pretty much finish each others sentences. We have come to the point where our interests, thoughts and feelings are so intermixed that we are almost (and I do say almost, not quite all the way there yet) always on the same page. That really takes a lot of work and dedications - all of which he has been more than willing to put in - it takes two and I love him for that!

10. Oh ya, and he is incredibly manly ;o)


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