
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I have heard many people say that they do not celebrate mother's day because it is a fabricated day put on by the card and flower companies to generate business: a "Hallmark Holiday". As a daughter and mother myself, I have to completely disagree. I think it is wonderful that we set aside a day to celebrate motherhood, in all of it's forms.

Ever since I can remember I wanted to grow up and be a mommy. Even at a really young age, cradling this ugly plastic doll, I did so with the utmost tenderness. I would like to take a moment to recognize all of the mothers in my life.

I have the two best mother's in the world. My own mother, who has always been there of course, and my mother-in-law who has been in my life since I was 14. These two ladies are amazing and have taught me invaluable lessons throughout my life. I know that they will always be there for me, supporting me, and that they take me as I am and love me all the more for it.

I have one sister and four sister-in-laws, all of whom I love and admire for different reasons. Each one of them has also taught me, in there own ways, how to be a better mother and person.

I have an aunt (yes, just one actually) that I was was extremely close to growing up. Everyone thought that I was her daughter when we were out together, we were that much alike. I also had two Grandmother's and one of Aaron's grandmother's that I was close to.

I could go on to list friends mothers, youth leaders and school teachers that have also shaped my life, but the list would be too long. The point is, mothers are all around us, making us into the people we are today. Every woman out there, whether she has given birth or not, can be a motherly influence in a child's life. It's in our nature and our instinct as women to mother those around us.

Thank you to all of the women in my life, past and present, who are continually making me a better person; who are setting great examples for me; who love me for who I am and except me for just being me. You are all amazing mothers and I could not do life without you.

Being a mother is the best thing I have done with my life and I wouldn't change anything.
Happy Mother's Day to every woman out there. You have influenced more people in your life than you know.

Have an amazing day!!


  1. And Happy Mother's Day to you! I agree that there are so many mothers out there that don't even realize how much of a mother to me they were...or are!

  2. I'm with you Kathy. All I ever wanted to be was a mother. Happy Mother's Day.
