
Monday, September 12, 2011

This Is It Folks

It's our last week with Jessica before she heads off to college. I know she won't be too far, only about 2 hours away, and that she will come home for the weekends every now and then.... but, things are just not going to be the same. My baby is growing up.

I am taking this entire week off to be with Jess, so I will be doing something a little different on Family Strong: I am going to be a little selfish with my posts and am going to post my week with Jess. I will be posting our adventures before she leaves, and the feelings I am having as we lead up to the day. Everyone with children will go through this day at some point, so hopefully I can pass on a little insight by sharing my experiences and feelings.

We are both feeling very excited and slightly anxious. I am excited for Jess to have the college experience and to grow into herself this year, but I am loosing my buddy. 

Yesterday was the first day of our week long extravaganza. We spent the day at the lake doing nothing, and it was great: we cooled off in the water, played games, ate food and laid around. A perfect day.

My feelings are still at a normal level, I wasn't thinking about Jess leaving, just being together and enjoying the sunshine. We followed up the perfect trip to the beach by going home for dinner and watching "Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan".... best Star Trek movie ever ;o)

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