
Friday, October 21, 2011

FREE Halloween Bottle Labels!

Creating a fun mood is as simple as a glass jar and the right label to stick onto it. I made a few labels last year and served our drinks in them. This year our jars are sporting candy and I like that better because it's prettier to look at and I can have them on display all season instead of just at the Halloween party (if we could just keep our hands out of the candy jar....I'm gonna gain 5 pounds!).

My gift to you this year is access to my wonderful labels - yes, I am quite proud of them! Print and enjoy!

To start out, peruse through the thrift store to find some really fun jars: you can find some with real character! The bonus is, glassware at thrift stores is usually super cheap. I got two new additions to my collection this year - Troll Eyes. I found the jars for only $1 a piece, got the super cool chocolate eyeballs and created a new label. Love it!

Once you have your jars purchased and cleaned out, you can add your labels in one of two ways. Last year I printed the labels out on a high quality paper and then used Modge Podge to attach them. The disadvantage to this way is you have a slight film on your glass surrounding your label. This year I got full sheet 8 1/2 x 11 shipping labels at the office supply store. I printed my labels on that and then cut them out and stuck them on. I like this way a lot better. Much cleaner and more authentic looking. It does cost a little more money that way though, so both ways are great.

Here is my display this year, with all of that tempting candy every time you walk by... why or why do you have to be so delicious peanut M&M's?!!

Here are the labels for you to enjoy. Just click on the image to enlarge, right click and select "save image as" (makes sure this saves to your desktop). You now have a copy of the label, just print, cut out and apply. Have fun!


  1. Awesome~! I was just working on my Halloween apothecary last night was was thinking I needed a radioactive label for one of my bottles - and here it is! THANKS!!!

    There's all cool! LOL - Diet cyanide!

  2. Thanks! It's one of my favorite things to do - come up with cleaver labels for my bottles and food. (I have a slightly sick and twisted sense of humor some times.) It helps that I am married to a graphic designer: he has been a great teacher in the ways of design and Photoshop ;o) Glad you could use one!! Happy poisoning!

  3. My kids would love these labels. They're very catchy and witty. I want to make this for my son Nathan's coming birthday. =)
