
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

12 Days of Christmas

Many years - not all years - I do the Twelve days of Christmas for my family. Sometimes I have a theme, sometimes it's completely random. Last year I actually took the song and rewrote it to suite my needs and it turned out awesome. It of course is personal to my family and our circumstances, but you can use it as a guideline for writing your own 12 Days of Christmas poem.

Just have fun with it. I start 13 days before Christmas so that the last gift received is on Christmas Eve. I think I have as much fun leaving the gifts as everyone does getting them.

Day 1 – December 13th: Tree Ornament

Partridge in a pear tree:

Now in the song it says partridge and pear
Never seen a partridge and the trees are all bare
What else sounds good to go into a tree
Your very own ornament sounds good to me!

Day 2 – December 14th:  Personalized Gift Certificates

Two turtle doves

What the heck is a turtle dove? A turtle and a dove?
It must be the result of the two being in love.
Well love I know, and for you I have it
So to show you how much, here is a gift certificate
(that last rhyme is a stretch we both know that
but I’m doing my best, and that’s what I arrived at)

Day 3 – December 15th: Jessi, Popcorn; Jeff, Apple/Cinnamon Wafer things; Aaron, cashew trail mix 

Three French hens:

On the third day I’m suppose to give you a Hen
What’s up with the obsessions over birds again?
Birds I won’t do, I’d take them all back
So instead, for me, enjoy this yummy snack.

Day 4 – December 16th: Jessi, Orbit; Jeff, Bubblegum; Aaron, Wrigley Spearmint

Four calling birds

Four Calling birds? Calling birds! Are you kidding me!
I’m glad us on his Christmas list he will not see.
This guys sounds like a douche, a dork and a bum
But I am not, so enjoy, and chew on your gum

Day 5 – December 17th:  Aaron – necklace; Jess – earrings; Jeff – ring

Five golden rings

Five golden rings seems a bit more right
If you want to bring your affections into the light
Golden rings I cannot afford today
But this is the next best thing – I promise you won’t look gay!

Day 6 – December 18th: Magazine

Six geese a laying

Six geese a laying is what you’re suppose to get next
It’s not me, it’s written in the text
I never quite realized this song had so many birds!
This poor ladies house must be covered in turds.

I think we should set this guy up with your Grandma Taylor
Maybe, he’s possibly a handsome, rich sailor.
But for you on this sixth day of Christmas I give
A magazine of interest while my rhyming you must forgive

Day 7 – December 19th  (Sunday):  Doughnuts

Seven swans a swimming

Seven Swans!!! This is getting quite stupid
I think this guy needs more help from the cute little cupid.
But, since it’s Sunday and treats, not birds, are what we will
Doughnuts and hot chocolate, in my book, fit the bill

Day 8 – December 20th: T-shirts

Eight maids a milking

Eight maids a milking is what happens on day eight
Is it any wonder this guys looking for a mate?
With gifts like these he is sure to be single forever
Because with gift giving he is not very clever

As for me, I hope I am doing a bit better
I opted for a cool T-shirt over a sweater
(I know, I know, my rhyming is pathetic
I never claimed to be the most poetic!)

Day 9 – December 21st: Soda – Jessi, diet pepsi; Jeff, diet cherry pepsi, Aaron, sobe light

Nine ladies dancing

Nine ladies dancing, does that mean ballet?
I took dad once and he thought it quite gay.
So, to keep your sexuality in tact
Drink your soda, and the opposite sex you will attract.

Day 10 – December 22nd:  Socks

Ten lords a leaping

Ten lords a leaping is really quite silly
With their really tight tights that reveal their willy
I promise I would NEVER give a gift such as that
I think we’ve come to the conclusion that this guy is a prat.

With the weather outside getting more and more cool
And everyone at home not going to work or school
A more appropriate gift would be one that really rocks
Of toasty warm feet covered in new socks

Day 11 – December 23rd: Favorite cereal – Jeff, Cocoa Puffs; Aaron, Almond covered raisin; Jess, pop tarts

Eleven pipers piping

With only two days left, the best this guy could do
Is eleven pipers piping? I hope they weren’t piping with a kazoo!
As for me I wanted to give a guilty pleasure
A yummy breakfast cereal for you to treasure

Day 12 – December 24th: PJ’s w/ Personal Letters to each person

Twelve drummers drumming

Twelve drummers drumming, that I could see
He finally got one right, it would be perfect for me
It took him twelve stupid days to get something good
By then, would I be his true love? I don’t think I could

I hope I have done better than the douche that wrote this song
And haven’t given you anything stupid or wrong
For the last day I give you the gift of adorning
With new pajamas to look good on Christmas morning.


  1. That is so cute! I bet your family loves it. We have done the 12 days of Christmas for other families before. It is really a ton of fun because we would leave a gift on the doorstep, knock and run! It's funny to see the family trying to catch us to see who it is. I have a lot of good memories with that. I may have to try your idea. Very creative on the writing!
