
Monday, March 26, 2012

Ahh... Back To Normal

So, in the last two weeks I have seen two major releases in the theater, gone out to eat at least half a dozen times, played twice that in games, gone shopping a few times and played racquetball three times: I have not cleaned my house, only did laundry once, nor have I spent more than 30 minutes cooking a meal. Was it worth it? YES! Is it good to be back to normal? Very much.

Jess left to go back to school after lunch today so I spent the afternoon cleaning, vacuuming, changing sheets, getting caught up on laundry and answering emails. I neglected many of my every day chores to spend time with her and we had a lot of fun together. My house is now very clean, and very quiet..... the first day is always the hardest.

I am glad to have everything back in order. It feels good to have the house clean and organized because after a while the disarray really starts to get to me. I will feel good, as the week progresses, to back onto a routine: I just don't get anything done without it.

It was worth every dirty dish and un-vacuumed floor however to spend every day of Spring break hanging out with my little Jessi girl. I can't wait until she comes back home again!

Love ya Jess!

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