
Monday, June 4, 2012

Rock "Horseshoes"

Remember those pet rocks from your youth? The rock that you wandered around picking through piles to find: it had to have just the right shape and size? The one you lovingly took home to paint into the character it would become? What a great experience you can have again, with the kids: and I have a great game you can play with those fun little critters.

Head out on a hike to find the perfect rock for your granite friend. This was always a fun adventure with Jess, when she was little, because she would come home with practically her body weight in rocks.

Sit down at the table with your rocks, paint and google eyes (if you're so inclined) and get creative: no limits on the creativity! While the rocks dry head out and find a sturdy stick you can pound into the ground as a "horseshoe stake".

Once the rocks are dry, here is the game you can play: Rock "horseshoes". Everyone stand about 15-40 feet from the stake you pounded into the ground (depending on age) and you have a rock toss to see who can get closest to the stake.


2 points for hitting the stake
1 point for being the closest in the event that the stake isn't hit

the first to 10 points wins 

picture taken by Jess Cluck

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