
Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall Centerpiece

I love it when September hits and I can pull out the fall decorations. It's one of my favorite times of year. When I went to the farmers market this week I was excited to finally see the pumpkins. I always enjoy coming up with fun things to do with the small sugar pumpkins and this year I put together a simple centerpiece for my table. It was super quick to make and looks great.

I found this awesome tray at the thrift store for only $2.00. Portability is important to me in a centerpiece. I don't want something complicated that I can't just move off the table when I want to have a game night or something. This tray was perfect to put all of my treasures on.

I got some sheet moss and sunflowers at the craft store - 40% off! - so there was a couple bucks as well. And, of course, my amazing little pumpkins.

I lined the pan with the moss, alternated the pumpkins and some candles that I had, filled in the spaces with my sunflowers, and just like that, beauty in the center of my table.

Total for this project was about $7.00 and about ten minutes. Can't beat that. 

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