
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Need To Take A Sabbatical

This has been something that has been weighing on my mind for some time now. I love this blog and feel an emotional tie to it, along with somewhat of an obligation for whatever reason. Alas, after much deliberation and pondering I have decided to take a sabbatical for a while.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Homemade Finger Paints

I remember loving finger paints as a kid, and my kids loved them as well. What a great way to waist away some time during those long summer days when there isn't any school! This is super easy, and will keep the troops busy - for a little while anyway ;o) I found this great recipe on Easie Peasie.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Checking In

Sorry I have been checked out thus far this week, the momma-in-law is here and I have been spending the week entertaining her: we even had one day of good weather to take her to the lake.... one day, that was all, but it was a great day! (I really think I need to go back to Hawaii!) Hopefully I will be back on track next week, but it is summer ;o) I'll do my best!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Butter Pecan Ice Cream

As we enter into the summer months, I am usually found in the garage dusting off the ice cream maker and gathering all of the parts for assembly. Ice cream is one of my favorite foods and it's even yummier when it's freshly homemade: it's pure, natural, soft-serve amazingness.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

FREE Vinatage Father's Day Labels

You just made a batch of that awesome BBQ sauce, or made some wonderful Father's Day cookies, and now it's time to package it up in a neat presentation. Here are three labels you can use to put on the outside of your jars and containers to make them look great. Just print them out on label paper, peel and stick. Walla, wrapping done: and it's in a unique fun packaging.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Was Spanked As A Child

I am here to admit that I was, in fact, spanked as a child. I am opening up to my parents abuse of me. What cruel, mean and amazing parents. I deserved every single spank I ever got. I grew up balanced, loving and caring for others. I am not a bully. I am not aggressive. I am not an abusive parent. I am just the way I should be. And, yes, I spanked my kids.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rock "Horseshoes"

Remember those pet rocks from your youth? The rock that you wandered around picking through piles to find: it had to have just the right shape and size? The one you lovingly took home to paint into the character it would become? What a great experience you can have again, with the kids: and I have a great game you can play with those fun little critters.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June Holidays

Welcome June!! It's almost officially summer, and I can't wait to start getting that official summer weather (though we usually don't start getting that here until after the 4th of July).

I love warm summer nights, bbq's and picnics! - that totally sounded like a singles tag line ;o) - happy June, and get out there and have some fun. Here's  your June Holidays.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mango Salsa

It's just about BBQ and picnic time, if you haven't started already. I am always looking for different fare beyond the hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad. Don't get me wrong, I love hamburgers and potato salad, but it's nice to have variety. I found this salsa recipe quite some time ago and it's amazing. Not only good with corn chips, its amazing on grilled salmon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If You CatchYour Kid In A Lie

I'm posting a great video today on the topic of kids lying. We have always had an open book policy in our home, and the kids could come and talk to us about anything - and we tried not to freak out too much. However, it didn't keep them from lying occasionally, usually to keep from getting into trouble. There are many reasons a child will lie to you: this video is awesome in giving some great ideas in dealing with it.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Clothespin Pinwheel

I love pinwheels! I was always the kid that was picking out the pinwheels in the dollar section, when told I could pick whatever I wanted. I would run around the yard with it, watching it spin in the wind I would create, flashing it's colors with each rotation. Even as we speak, I have a large flower pinwheel stuck in the basket of my petunias out on my deck. On a breezy day I like to look out and watch it twirl. That's why I geeked out when I saw these patriotic pinwheels on Martha Stewart the other day. As usual they fit all the criteria for a good craft: Easy, cheap, quick and... easy ;o)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Patriotic Wreath

There are a couple of ideas bouncing around for this patriotic wreath right now, and I loved it so much I had to share it with Memorial Day weekend coming up. This version here is my favorite, with the use of craft foam for the stars. 

This craft has all the perfect elements for me, as I have stated in the past: cheap, easy, and WAY cute! All you need is a wreath ring, yarn, craft foam and a little glue.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How To Pay For Your Vacations

Aaron and I love to travel: if you have been following my blog for any length of time, you already know that. We are not rich people however, so going on trips can be a little tricky for us in the financial department. How do we do it then, you ask? Here are our tips to help us on our way with smiles on our faces.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Big Island - Hawaii

When most people think of Hawaii, they think of Oahu, with Waikiki beach, Pearl Harbor and The Polynesian Center. We decided to go off the beaten path and visit The Big Island, the island furthest south, and the youngest of the Hawaiian islands. I will give you a quick synopsis of our favorite spots from our 8 day excursion in case you are thinking about going yourself.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Aloha! Sorry friends, I forgot to leave a post letting everyone know I was going to be gone for a while. Aaron and I went to The Big Island, Hawaii, with my mother and that is why you haven't heard from me in over a week. I am still alive and well... actually very well after a much  needed retreat. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stained Glass Mother's Day Card

I saw this card on Kaboose and thought it was really pretty. It would make a perfect card for Mother's Day this weekend ;o)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Peppers and Wreaths

I spent a couple of days with Jess last week, apartment hunting for next year by day, sleeping on her dorm room floor by night - we had a great time!

Before hunkering down and going to sleep each night, we sat and watched a movie and made some of the tissue paper peppers that I posted last week. It was really fun, and they turned out great! I used them to decorate the stage for Aaron's Cinco de Mayo gig that Saturday. We got lots of comments on how good they looked, so I thought I would share: one of my post ideas in action ;o)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Drink Umbrella Wreath

Okay, I found another thing I am going to make for stage decorations tomorrow for our Cinco de Mayo party. I have a big box of drink umbrellas already, so it should be easy cheesy.

If you don't already have a bunch of these little umbrellas, they are ultra cheep at the party store. Fun, festive, inexpensive and easy - my kind of craft!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tissue Paper Chili Pepper

OMG!! This is SO cute, I am in love. I think that I am slightly Mexican at heart, because I just love the food, people and culture. With Cinco de Mayo coming up this weekend, I am in full swing Mexican mode - we have a big ol' fatty party planned that Aaron's band is playing at, so fun will definitely ensue.

I think I am going to make up a bunch of these for them to put up as stage decoration.... if I end up having the time to do it I will definitely post pics ;o)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mosaic Flowerpot

This amazing little pot that I found on Family Fun would be great for either a plant, or use as a catch all for your desk: pens and pencils would look just as great in it as green foliage ;o)

I just love personal gifts for mother's day, and this one would be great.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Holidays

Happy May Day! The flowers are in bloom, the sun is shining (part of the time any way ;o) and the grass is as green as it's going to get this year. I'm LOVIN' it!!

Here are a few holidays to get you through till the summer hits. Have some fun!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tissue Paper Flowers

We used to make these all of the time as a kid, and I loved them. We made them for Mother's Day, Christmas, Valentines Day, Cinco De Mayo..... with the array of tissue paper colors your opportunities are limitless.

These would make a great addition to any mother's day breakfast table!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Teach Your Kids Responsibility For Themselves

I'm going to go on a little rant here, so just be fore warned. This topic is actually quite a sore spot with me, and since this is my blog I guess I can write about it. I get super tired of people blaming other people/companies for their dumb choices and I think it's really important to teach your kids to own up to the consequences of their actions.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paper Inchworm

OMG, how cute is this? If you have some bored troops, this simple and inexpensive craft might keep them busy for a few minutes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sand Centerpiece

I guess it depends on where you live in the world, but living here in the PNW we are within driving distance of the coast: consequently we spend quite a few of our days on the beach.

I saw this centerpiece and thought it was cool looking. Next time we are at the beach (which is actually in just a few weeks ;o) I think I'll grab some sand to make this.

picture and idea found on Martha Stewart

Friday, April 20, 2012

Balloon Volleyball

This time of year it's hit and miss with the weather, and really depends on what part of the country you live in. While some of you are feeling the heat already, here in Seattle we are smack dab in the middle of our 9 month rainy season ;o) It makes it really hard to get out to do anything and everyone starts getting antsy.

Try on of our favorite activities - the kids and I used to do this all the time when they were living at home, young and board..... SO long ago. Play indoor balloon volleyball.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunday Retreat

We are all busy. Work, kids, chores.... I could go on forever on all of the things in our lives that keep us busy. Sometimes I think we get so busy that we loose sight of what is really important in life - your family and your health. Take a day retreat, at home, and have fun with the kids (or if your like me, and the kids are gone, your significant other ;o)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Go Shopping!

My mom is a widow, and so consequently lives alone. Things can get a little boring and lonely when you don't have someone to share things with. I have come up with the perfect solution to taking care of my mom, giving her the time she needs and still be able to get all of the things done that I need to.

I take her shopping with me!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Visit A Nursery

Here is a date that Aaron and I like to do quite often this time of year - visit a nursery. There is something so relaxing about walking hand in hand down each of the isles of plants and flowers, that we just love it. Even if you don't end up buying anything, it's fun to just look and plan a beautiful yard for some day ;o)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

5 Things I LOVE About My Husband

Today is Aaron's birthday, so I wanted to take a moment to tell you the top things I love about that man. I think that these qualities are very important in keeping our marriage strong and fresh every day, so maybe you might even learn a few tips for keeping your relationship strong as well.

So, without further adieu, here are the top 5 things I love about Aaron.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Holidays

I just realized this morning that I was spending so much time last week on Easter posts that I forgot to put up the April Holiday post.

So, without much ado, here are your fun holidays for April.... now that Easter has passed ;o)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just Be Together

A lot of people look at dating as some big, planned event that usually involves a lot of time and money. Geeze, just going to the movie and dinner requires a small loan to pay for it these days! Really, though, the most important ingredient in going on a date is just being together. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you spending time as a couple.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Melted Crayon Eggs

A very colorful and fun spin on decorating the Easter eggs this year: bonus, a great way to use up all of those crayons around that house that are too small to do anything else with ;o)

Win, Win.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beaded Egg Ornament

I REALLY wanted to make these this year and hang them in the tree sitting here by my desk. It would have looked so good and festive for this Easter season. Unfortunately, every spare moment I have finds me with my nose in my studies. You would think that in the stage I'm in with my life, both kids raised and pretty much gone, I would have so much more time than ever before. WRONG. I fill it. Gotta keep moving forward in life!

Next year.... hopefully. I love these though, so if you end up making them, make one for me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Egg Wreath

I have a long list of decorating and baking ideas I would just LOVE to get to for Easter this year, but time is a rare thing for me these days. All of my spare time this week has been spent trying to learn Human Anatomy for my class while the Easter eggs and baskets have been sitting quietly by. Everyone will just have to be happy with me sharing the ideas I have found instead of the ideas I have tried and been successful at.

This Easter Egg Wreath looks super fun and would look great hanging on a door.... or even better as a centerpiece with flowers in the middle!

Monday, April 2, 2012

M&M Sugar Cookie Flowers

With Spring in full swing and Easter coming up this weekend I will be focusing on that lovely holiday this week. I love the colors of this time of year, and we all know how much I love sugar cookies!!! Oh, and M&M's are about the only candy that I like, so these little flowers seemed so perfect. I think they will look amazing amongst the Easter treats this Sunday.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fondu Frenzy

If you have never tried fondu before, this is a very fun activity to do for your next family meal. Fondu pots can be found for as little as $20 - 30 a piece - even less if you keep your eyes open at thrift stores and garage sales. You can go with just one, but it is even more fun if you have a couple for different recipes: cheese and chocolate recipes are a must.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Take A Lesson Boys

I have the best husband in the world, he is always thinking of me. I was having a really bad day today: horrible sleep, injured food, super busy day and.... shhh (cramps to bring down a small horse). It didn't help the mood at all that it was dark, cold and pouring rain all day long. Aaron showed up from work with a big bouquet of flowers for me to cheer me up.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ribbon Easter Eggs

I saw this picture this morning of a very simple way to decorate Easter eggs. Find some pretty ribbon and glue it around the middle: it's just that easy but so elegant looking. It would make a very pretty addition to the traditional eggs in your basket this year.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

White Chocolate Macadamia Popcorn

Quite a little tasty combination in this amazing concoction. Popcorn, white chocolate, macadamia nuts and my favorite - Peanut M&M's. I made this today and had to put the bowl in another room to keep from mindlessly shoveling it in my big fat mouth. Besides being delicious, it is a very pretty Easter snack.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ahh... Back To Normal

So, in the last two weeks I have seen two major releases in the theater, gone out to eat at least half a dozen times, played twice that in games, gone shopping a few times and played racquetball three times: I have not cleaned my house, only did laundry once, nor have I spent more than 30 minutes cooking a meal. Was it worth it? YES! Is it good to be back to normal? Very much.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Beaded Chickies

I found this fun little project on Family Super easy to make, and inexpensive to boot, make these the perfect kiddo craft for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Make a bunch of them to scatter around the house have Spring cheer everywhere you go.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time Is Most Important

Better late than never for a blog post today. I have spent the last two days having a girls "weekend" with Jess and my mom before Jess heads back off to school. We crammed a lot of fun things into our two days, along with even getting our picture taken with the Easter Bunny..... sort of ;o) I have learned, over the last few years, that time is the most important thing in life you can give.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby Chicks!

Jess and I are having a girls "weekend" today and tomorrow with grandma. It's fun to just be out doing girly things: ya know, shopping, lunch, and of course playing with baby animals! We went out to the local ranch that has all of their baby birds and played with the chicks and ducklings.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome Spring!

Yea! Today is the first day of Spring and I am excited for that. Now, Spring in Seattle is very wet, but at least it is becoming a warmer wet than it has been thus far (and we all know how much I HATE the cold...  I certainly complain about it enough ;o)

Here are my big plans for this Spring. I am very excited!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jelly Bean Carrot

Easter is around the corner, so I am going to get an early start in giving you a bunch of ideas: I have a few kicking around in my head and have found a few others that I think are great.

I loved these jelly bean carrots that I found on Martha's site this morning... I think I will make them up to put in my baskets this year but I will be using orange M&M's instead of jelly beans (not a sticky candy fan).

Friday, March 16, 2012

Shamrock Bread Sticks

My last St. Patties day treat idea for this year: Shamrock Bread Sticks. Jess is home for Spring break and I have been trying to make some of her favorite meals. On the docket this week was spaghetti and french bread. I took my french bread dough and had a little fun.... but the spaghetti is a whole other story!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Green Graham Cracker Sandwiches

Make the after school snack a little more fun and festive today by throwing some green bling into the mix. Any time an ordinary thing becomes just a little different than regular it all of the sudden becomes cool and amazing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green Popcorn

I'm still in full on St. Patrick's day geek out, so you have a few more days of ideas from me. What did I do last night? Green popcorn! Just add a little color to your butter and you have instant holiday festiveness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shamrock Sugar Cookies

If you have been following this blog for any length of time at all, you know that I am a sugar cookie hound: they are my favorite. If there are sugar cookies in the house I WILL eat them, so I only make them for special occasions..... St. Patrick's Day is a special occasion isn't it?