
Thursday, October 30, 2014

More On Clyde

At the beginning of the month I introduced you to our newest Halloween family member, Meet Clyde. He has been such a fun addition that I am truly going to be sorry to pack him away for a year. My camera and I have been following him around as he has been left in various places for people to find. It's been a blast, and we have had some great laughs - this family of mine sure is creative! Here's what Clyde has been up to since you last saw him.

We had a big video shoot for Aaron's band and we were expecting a lot of people to be in attendance. What better man to draw attention to the Merchandise booth that good ol' Clyde - and holy cow did he do a good job. A lot of people wanted their picture with him... he is a ladies man apparently. 

Jess was getting a little nervous one night when she came home from work and Clyde wasn't in his usual chair at the dining room table. He did finally show up: I guess he doesn't have to worry about getting too pruney.

Jess had the brilliant idea of setting Clyde up to greet her dad as he walked in the door from work - man that was a funny one!! How would you like to open the door to this handsome face?

Jess came home to a cuddle buddy one night. What Clyde lacks in soft and cozy he makes up for in a sympathetic ear.

I guess Clyde had such a fun time at Aaron's gig earlier in the month that he wanted to try his own hand at guitar. Unfortunately his hands just don't bend the right directions to hit the stings just right.... maybe lap steel guitar or drums would be more his style.

This last stunt was the hardest to pull off, as Aaron wasn't quite sure how to get a hold of the kids' car keys. Days went by while he was plotting, and then the opportunity just walked right in. He needed to leave and Jess was parked behind him. Being the nice, amazing father that he is he moved her car for her..... Perfectly played! Can you say "Carpool Lane". 


Jess will be up in Alaska next year, so we won't have as much fun with Clyde as we did this year, but he has been a very fun part of our Halloween holiday this year. Clyde, you will be missed!! Until next year my friend.

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